Cost is £13 - to be paid on the day Remember to put your meal choice on the Club Noticeboard The meal will be served about 6.15pm Anyone with their name down after Thursday who doesn't show will be charged for the meal. Enjoy.....………………..
Come along and pay your subscription, collect and complete your application forms for competitions and the 200 club. Please note: It would be useful if those with a surname beginning A - L could come along at 2.00 pm and those with M - Z surnames came along at 2.30 pm. We intend finishing […]
Come along to the Broughty Bowling Club Quiz Night. Be ready to start play at 7.30. Anyone willing to help on the night should contact Doug. Click on the poster link below for more details. Quiz Poster
Come along and give a hand to put out tables and generally give the Club and green a spruce up. Tea, coffee and biscuits will be provided.
Raffle prize donations can be left in the ladies changing room. Play will start at 1.00 pm
Opening Day Teams 2019
Come along and see how to get the most from your new website. Bring along your device …….. laptop/smart phone etc.
Level 2 Coaching - developing abilities across a range of areas, examining technical and tactical aspects of team and individual play, assisting in profiling bowlers to develop action plans to help improve the players game.
Craigie Teamsheet